A retired Irish paramilitary witnesses the fatal shooting of his pregnant wife by an SAS officer. After outwitting the SAS, now ahwj.cc wounded, and presumed dead, he escapes, taking his revenge to the dark and paranoid streets of 1970's London.
“那些寡妇继承了他们丈夫的财产四处挥霍他们本来就该死”的缺陷三观疯马秀开始叔侄间的暧昧到后来压抑的互斥力查理叔叔走上楼梯突然停下转身查莉小妹正背对阳光站在门框外一步不前其他人物可爱爱看侦探小说商量怎么杀掉彼此的父亲和好友拿书本理论侃侃而谈要嫁给图书管理员的小妹在酒吧对女主说“You sleep your ordinary sleepfilled with peaceful, stupid dreams. And I brought you nightmares.”的时候很洗脑一手同花顺的希胖子